Japan Cricket Postponed Until July

May 20, 2020

Much like sport around the world, the cricketing scene in Japan has had to postpone the 2020 season until at least the end of June….

On the bright side, for the first time in many, many years it means the Tokyo Wombats will be heading into July…UNDEFEATED! This has impacted the Wombats considerably as we have welcomed a large influx of new, keen Wombats into the burrow who were chomping at the bit to get stuck into a steady diet of local delicacies such as Chiba Chahan, Wyvern Wasabi and Sano Sukiyaki!

For more information and to read the official announcement from the Japan Cricket Association see the link below.


We hope to be in touch soon with news of some Wonderful Wombats Wins!

Evan Hitchman
Club President

© Tokyo Wombats Cricket Club